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northern ireland 北愛爾蘭。


The united kingdom devolves political power in northern ireland to the northern ireland executive 1999年,英國將北愛爾蘭的政權移交給北愛爾蘭行政部。

Michael owen insists england will bounce back from their shock defeat to northern ireland 邁克爾.歐文堅稱英格蘭隊將會從被北愛擊敗的陰影中走出來。

The full , correct title of the country is the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland 英國的正確全稱為大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國。

They continued to be active in northern ireland , the falklands and up through the gulf war 其后致力于北愛爾蘭戰爭、福克蘭群島戰爭和海灣戰爭。

He served as the u . s . ambassador to great britain and northern ireland from 1997 to 2001 他擔任1997 - 2001年度出使英國和北愛爾蘭的美國大使。

Mr blair deserves accolades for achieving peace and power - sharing in northern ireland 布萊爾應該為北愛爾蘭實現和平與權力共享而受到表彰。

That message clearly fell on deaf ears at coleraine railway station in northern ireland 而北愛爾蘭的科勒雷恩火車站顯然沒有做到這一點。

Wales lies in the southwest of britain while northern ireland lies in the north of ireland 湯姆是英國人。他是個土生土長的北愛爾蘭人。

[ the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland , or uk , is in western europe 英國的英國和北愛爾蘭,或英國,是在西方歐洲。

We ' re close to the border with northern ireland , which is a different country 我們現在靠近的是北愛爾蘭的邊界,是個完全不一樣的地方

The agreement addressed all of the key issues relating to the northern ireland problem 該協定包括與北愛爾蘭有關的所有關鍵事宜。

The united kingdom comprises england , wales , scotland , and northern ireland 聯合王國由英格蘭、威爾斯、蘇格蘭和北愛爾蘭所組成。

Britain is a brief name of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland 不列顛是大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國的簡稱。

Announcer : scotland and northern ireland will probably have sunshine all day 廣播員:明天英格蘭和北愛爾蘭或許一整天天氣晴朗。

“ for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in northern ireland 為他們的努力發現和平解決對沖突在北愛爾蘭

Only today have i begun to understand the political situation in northern ireland 直到今天我才了解了北愛爾蘭的政治局勢。

The united kingdom takes in england , wales , scotland and northern ireland 聯合王國包括英格蘭、威爾士、蘇格蘭、北愛爾蘭

Official name : the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland 官方正式名稱:大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國。

Its full name is the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland 它的全稱是大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國。